Friday, June 29, 2007

Five Energizing Thoughts About Work

What's the difference between Monday and Friday? Normally at the end of a workweek, you'd find yourself smiling and saying "Thank God it's Friday!" But on a Monday morning, these are the thoughts that we try to fight back, "Do I really have to go to work?", "I think I'm feeling sick.", "Hindi ba signal number 5?"

How can we energize ourselves for work on a lazy Monday morning? Here are five thoughts that will inspire you to work enthusiastically:

1) Work presents you with an opportunity to express who you really are. The Bible says that we are created in the image and likeness of God. Part of this likeness is God's passion to work. In Genesis, we see God marveling at the beauty of His creation. He was at work for six days. On the seventh day, He took a break. We are created to create and produce. Your work gives you an avenue to express that likeness.

2) Work is a blessing, it is not a curse. We will read in Genesis that before God punished Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit, they were already commanded to rule and subdue the earth. Though sometimes work feels more of a burden than a blessing, the truth is, to work is beneficial to us. God will not command us something that will harm us. Work gives us the avenue to exercise leadership and develop a sense of responsibility.

3) Work makes you grow. The opportunities as well as the challenges that we face daily in our places of work are building blocks to professional and personal growth. Learn from the problems that you encounter with your bosses and colleagues. Relish the successes that you experience from the opportunities that knocked on your door.

4) Work provides you with a natural environment to develop meaningful relationships. In the workplace, we get involved in different levels of interactions that lead to various degrees of relationships. Many romantic relationships develop in the workplace. Many also develop their close circle of friends from among their officemates. And naturally so, because we spend a great deal of our time at work.

5) Work gives you an opportunity to be a blessing to others. When we work excellently, we become a blessing to the people around us. What we do affects other people's work. If we deliver on time, our customers are happy, our company gets paid. To be a blessing to your company, remember that it is not all about you. Keep in mind that it is about them too.

Author: Maloi Malibiran-Salumbides

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